The text message from a friend that came to my phone one day seven years ago and read "Go down to the Safety Line and ask if anyone has seen the pygmy. If you find him, follow him wherever he takes you. He carries teh heart of the congo in a suitcase off the old River Road."
Mutua Matheka and the other prolific photographers who created an African voice in photography with their phones
Wall Art in Kenya, documented by Arvind Vohora
Malick Sidibe's photo studio in Mali
Instagram in Africa
The menagerie of scrap metal wildlife on the Ngong Road
Everything Edward Sheriff Curtis ever made
Peter Beard's collectied art and diaries published by Tashen
The Zanzibar Chest, By Aidan Hartley
Nelson Mandela's quotation from Marianne Williamson "...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."